Cat and Chicken go for a walk

 In the photo above, a cat and his friend, a chicken, set off on a journey that will change the course of the universe. Yes dear reader. You too. Once you see what these two heroes face, it will be clear that its only because of the furry little feline and his feathered companion that we are alive to tell the tale. 

How then did these two meet?

Well its not a long story. In fact its quite short. 

At a farm on the old countrty side. 

And there was a peaceful cricket chriping in the moonlight.

It was muggy but not humid. Just a dense air. a thick heavy air. so undescrublble that only the chicken could flap away the air blocking the cat from the barnyard entrance. the two faceed t he invisible foe. 

How do you fight that which you cannot see? Well the cat was trained by blind ninja warriors,

So the two taught each other all they knew and soon they became legends,
